Duality of this world

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

And so again I had the chance to observe the duality ( happiness in a sad world ). I write about it again because it is something which is very difficult to comprehend. Of course I know all the logical explanation of why it is the way it is but then on the other side it is very difficult to comprehend it.

So today I was returning from my holiday. Because I was going with the plane so I had to mix and be among the crowd of people in the airport and then on the plane. And so I had the chance to observe the people. What I noticed was that all these people seem to be happy and not concerned about this world. You'll know... I can understand it as may of these people were going on holiday and they were going to a new place. I'd guess that they were excited and happy about it. Well... this is quite normal. I also went not long ago for a few days to a neighbour island and I also very excited about seeing all these new places which left me in an awe.

Anyway... I was sitting on the plane among other people. And it all seemed cool and nice. But then I know that 10,000 feet below there are many people who live in poverty and need to literally fight for survival. And I would also say that many of these people down there will never be able to fly on holiday to another tropical country.

So there I was among all these happy people. I saw the happiness and I felt their excitement. I was in it and I was emerged in it. And in those moments I was thinking about all that I am doing ( my acitivism ). You'll know... it seemed like it is not necessary. Although all these people were happy I knew that I would be able to help many of them and assist them to make their life better and even happier. But then they probably would not like to waste their moments of happiness on listening to me and what I have to say about making their life better. And so as I said I had the questions in mind about my activism.

But of course I know the reality of this world. I know that there are many people living in poverty, struggling to survive and suffering. And although the feelings ( in the plane ) makes me question my activism, I will not stop doing it. But at the same time it is important to say that it is totally OK to let myself to be happy and enjoy all these little moments of excitement ( e.g. when going for a holiday to new places ) although there are billions of people and animals suffering in this world. But what is important within it, is that we must not ignore the facts of reality and not allow ourselves to forget about others who are in need. We have the right to be happy and enjoy ourselves but we should also be obliged to help other to be happy as well. And so we should do something to change the current system so that everybody could equally enjoy themselves. We should make the system in which everybody has the money or the possibility to go on holiday to new places and experience the happiness and excitement.


Written: 2016 - July - 30   Published: 2017 - August - 15      © Copyright - Greg Wiater