How would I change the world if I won the lottery ?

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

You'll know... the possibility of me winning the lottery is so low that it is not even worth writing an article about it. To start with I do not even play it anymore as I finally realized that is not worth wasting my time and money on it.

But if it is not worth to write an article about it, then why do I actually do it ?

Because you'll see... I am not going to write about what I would do if I won but rather I want to share some of my realizations about the lottery.

1. If people instead of buying the lottery tickets dedicated the money ( here we are talking about some millions of euros/dollars each week in almost every country ) towards helping directly those who are in need ) then the whole society ( including you ) would benefit greatly from it.

2. But because we value more our desire to be a millionaire rather than helping others who are in need, thus for now we will not do it in the near future and we will continue buying the lottery tickets.

3. The profit from the lottery goes to the government and thus this money goes towards all the things that the government does and on which you not necessarily agree ( e.g. wars ). But even though you do not agree with it you are responsible for it because you sponsor the government by buying the lottery.

4. Even if you won the lottery the chances are relatively high that you would not dedicate these money towards the change of the world as there is a high risk that you would lose yourself in it.

5. If you think that you would be able to change the world with few millions form the jackpot then you do not understand why this world is so fucked up and thus you would not get far anyway.

6. Lottery is a trap in which we fall so easy through our desires. And we may have good intentions of wanting to change the world but in the end the starting point is the desire to be rich and this is a wrong point to start changing the world.


Written: 2016 - May - 29   Published: 2016 - Oct - 11      © Copyright - Greg Wiater