Will Bernie Sanders be able to change America as a president ?

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

As you probably now right now in America there an electoral campaign for a president. And one of the strong candidates is Bernie Sanders. He has been working on a political scene for many years and it looks like he is the guy who uses common sense and logic and who does not want to be elected just to become rich but he really wants to bring real changes to the whole system ( not just USA but also to the whole world ).

And here is a big question:

Will Bernie Sanders be able to do all that he would like to do if he was chosen as a president ?

Well... I guess this we will only see with the time once he gets to the office. Thus saying now that he will do something is just a pure speculation.

Look... I do not know him personally. But he seems to be really good guy. But you'll see... no matter how good he is, he is just one person. And this mess that we live in now has been created by all of us. Thus we will be really lucky if Bernie will be elected as a president of United States. But I tell you one thing:

If you and I and others don't change then Bernie Sanders will not be able to do much as a president. And he says it himself. All of us must wake up and start to act according to the principle of what is best for all. If everybody will continue looking only after their own interest and their family then we will continue to live in the shit that we have now. And as a matter of fact it will only get worse.

So it is important that people ( as many as possible ) support Bernie Sanders and vote for him but don't fall into the trap of hoping that he will do everything himself. Even god ( if he exists ) cannot do it so don't expect it from Bernie.

Realise that the world will change only if we change our priorities. And as said before if all of us start to live practically the principle of what is best for all instead of what is best for me only then the miracle of the change will happen. And we will not need the intervention of god.


Written: 2016 - March - 03   Published: 2016 - April - 03      © Copyright - Greg Wiater