Patients with difficult health problems

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

Lately I have had the chance to work with couple of people who have had very persistent health problems for many years. One of them had pains in the upper leg and lower back area as a result of accident and the other one has pains in the groin are probably as a side effect of the surgery in the adjacent area.

Now normally when I see people ( my patients ) I am very effective in helping them with their pains. But this is a little bit different. This time the things don't go away so easy. Well... both of them have various symptoms ( pains ) and some of them have drastically improved but still there pains which don't respond to the treatments and "exercise" program.

So what now ?

Well... these people have tried all sorts of different doctors, physiotherapists etc. and nobody was able to help them and they suffer with strong pains almost every day. Myself ( as a therapist ) I have tried and done almost all that I could and knew and I am also helpless.

But you know what ?

I could say:

"Sorry... I cannot help you !"

and that would be also ok in a sense. Just like the other therapists, doctors and other specialists who don't want to waste their precious time on treating them. But myself as a therapist and a human being I cannot do it. This is my job. I have knowledge and experience in working with people and one thing is certain... if I don't do it then these people have less chances of doing it one their own. Thus I decided that I will continue to investigate their cases and if necessary I will continue to treat them for free or for very little money because I am convinced that there must be something that can be done to help them.

So what am I going to do now ?

Well... their problems have been there for many years and it looks like they have been "imprinted" on many levels - in DNA, in their emotions, their mind etc. Thus I will have to reach these levels and apply the corrections in there.


Written: 2015 - November - 22   Published: 2016 - March - 28      © Copyright 2015 - Greg Wiater