Self-discipline gives freedom

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

As you know from my articles I have placed myself in a situation when I have had a mountain of tasks and responsibilities waiting in queue to be completed for months. All of these created some stress and frustration because I was stuck and unable to make my mountain smaller and as a matter of fact it was constantly growing. Tut it is not that my situation was only a negative experience. Because I was really busy at work and I was able to stabilize myself financially. Anyway the fact is that I have found myself in a situation when I was stressed and frustrated because I could not complete my tasks.

But this started to change when I did my experiment with 21 days of strict discipline. Then I made myself a list of tasks that needs to be completed and I stopped almost completely any time wasting activities ( e.g. senseless internet surfing, computer games etc. ). And so my mountain started to get smaller.

Today I am still working with my "mountain". But it is much smaller than it was couple of months ago. But then there is also one more thing to be mentioned here. I have more free time for myself. YES... making the lists of tasks and organizing my work load allowed me to go back into dance classes after 6 months of break. So I do more ( I am more effective ) but at the same time I have more time for myself and my hobbies.

And so this is how the self-discipline gave me freedom. Because you'll see... if I did not apply the self-discipline I would still be stuck, stressed and frustrated with my ever growing mountain of tasks. I know that in couple of weeks my mountain will not be there anymore and I will be functioning on completely different level.

So if you are the one who resist the self-discipline and organizing your day with the lists and agenda because you feel that this would limit your freedom, I suggest that you investigate closely the point of resistance. Because most probably this is your mind ( the ego ) that feel threatened by this concept of self-discipline. Do an experiment for 21 days and then you will be able to see for yourself whether this would really limit your freedom.


Written: 2015 - July - 12   Published: 2015 - July - 14      © Copyright 2015 - Greg Wiater