About personal empowerment

This is the continuation of the previous article:


So this inner power and empowerment is within you... inside of you. These are the small and seemingly insignificant movements and decisions which you make inside of you. And it is like the physical exercises. When you go to the gym and train then your muscles are getting bigger and stronger. And the same goes on the inside.

But within this there is also another important point. Actually we can train to disempower ourselves. Look... for example you decide that you will quit smoking. And you do but after few days you start again. And after some weeks you try again but you fail... and again... and again. And you fail because you tell yourself in your head that this is stronger than you... or that you cannot do... or that this is not the right moment etc. And thus instead of making decisions of not smoking you do the reverse and you just find an excuse good enough to justify taking this one cigarette which turns soon into the whole packet.

You know... it is ok to fall, learn from it and stand up. But if you fall few times and then you and then you start forming a belief in your mind that this is stronger than you, then you automatically use your own power and energy to disempower yourself. I know that the smokers have difficult moments and they talk about the crisis and that is why they decide to smoke again. But they don't understand that if they pushed themselves through it despite of the symptoms of craving then they would see for themselves that this crisis is only temporary. And this is how they would empower themselves instead of doing the opposite. All of these moments when we make decisions which are small but yet they seem to be not as easy as we imagine it in our mind, can give us more strength. And if we continued like this all the time then we would get really strong and powerful on the inside.

The "outer strength" goes usually along with the gratification in the form of money and luxuries. And this is commonly visible in our world. But when it comes to the inner strength this is very rare case.

Why is this happening then ?

As I said in the previous articles those who have power in the system have got there usually through abuse and/or lies. And once these people are there they protect themselves and their privileged position with more lies and abuse. But the person with inner strength will never use this kind of methods and thus usually it is very difficult for these people to get to the position of power. And even if they get there somehow then the abusers try to remove them or even eliminate them completely by falsifying evidence or even killing them. It has happened many times before throughout the history of humanity. Jesus, Ghandi, Bruce Lee are just very few examples of it.

Anyway... the inner strength is inside of you. And only you can empower yourself through your decisions, your actions, how you live your life and how you express yourself in this world. It is possible to have outer power in the current system without having the inner strength. Unfortunately this has fatal consequences for humanity and the whole planet. At the same time it is possible to have inner strength and power and then get into the position of power outside in the system but as I said currently it is very difficult to make it happen. But again... difficult doesn't mean that it is impossible. As a matter of fact it doesn't matter whether it is difficult or not. It must be done because only then we will be able to make the changes within the system through establishing new laws which support life and the principle of what is best for all. If we don't do it then we cannot expect any changes for better in this world simply because the abusers will continue with their abuse which gives them sensation of power.



Published: 2014 - January - 10      © Copyright 2013 - Greg Wiater