Scandal in Vatican and another hero prosecuted

This is the continuation of the previous article:


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that pope and priests are the messengers of god and they are special beings who do only good deeds while in reality they are just like me and other human beings; their specialness is a result of my acceptance of this belief as real and nothing else.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that through my acceptance of the belief that the priests and pope are special messengers of god I make myself blind to see that they are normal human beings like me; and to convince myself that I am right about my belief I define their actions and deeds as special even though they do the same things as they do; at the same time if they are doing any mistake, crime, abuse etc. I find an justifiable excuse so that I don't destroy my self created belief that the priest and pope is special messenger of god.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that through my acceptance of the belief that priests and pope are special messengers of god and that they are somehow better then normal human beings I make myself blind to see that they are committing crimes and abuse; and even if I see it I don't act and don't do anything about it to stop it because this would destroy my self-created belief that they are special messengers of god.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the institution of church is hiding and keeping in secret most of the information about crimes and abuse committed by the priests and pope because this would show people that priests commit the same errors and mistakes as normal human beings and this would destroy the image and belief that priests are special messengers of god which would automatically take away support ( financial and other ) of many people for the institution of church; thus the information about the facts from the life of church are being kept secret from the public and they are protected by the system of laws and regulations of the global system and those who dare to expose the truth will be ostracized and prosecuted so that the information stays secret.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a belief in my mind that priests and pope are special messengers of god and in their specialness they don't commit crimes, abuse and other mistakes; and through this self-created belief I make myself blind to see the reality, to see the crimes, abuse, manipulation, greed etc.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that those who dare to expose the true facts about the crimes and abuse committed by the priests and pope are being prosecuted and ostracized because they are threat for the existence of the church and the belief that priests are special messengers of god and without this belief people will stop their support ( financial and other ) for the institution of church.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that through my acceptance of the belief that priests are special messengers of god I make myself blind and I don't see the abuse done by the priests; and though my not acting to stop it I am responsible for all the abuse equally with the priests.

To be continued...



Published: 2012 - October - 03      © Copyright 2012 - Greg Wiater