My life is full of love, joy and abundance

This was the 2nd day off in a row. Yesterday I got my energies back and today I felt like doing something constructive. In the morning I went to yoga class. It was intensive. But last evening I went to the gym as well and thus altogether that was a bit hard. Anyway my body is becoming more flexible and I am really happy about it. When I got back home I decided to tidy and organize my apartment. I wanted to go through my cabinets and wardrobes and get rid off the things that I do not use and they are just occupying space in my house. Some of them I will throw away and others I will give as others may have a use of them. I have not finished with the job yet but I see already some positive changes and I already start to feel good. This feeling good is present almost always when I do this type of cleaning. It is freeing some energies that have been stuck and making place for new things to come. Tomorrow I have no appointments yet and it is very possible that I will another day off. So it will be easier for me to finish with cleaning my house.

In the evening I went to the gym. I tried to push heavy weights but I did not feel so strong today. The reason could be that normally I would have at least a day off from training before taking on heaviest weights.

Yesterday I started with vegetarian food only. And today I felt ok with it. But it was my day off so I will still need to see how it goes on the days when I work a lot. In any case my body feels good after eating this type of foods. I cannot say yet much about my body weights. And the test in the morning with my medical instrument was good.

It looks like that is all for today. I feel a bit tired from all this cleaning and exercises today. It was a bit too much but I am pleased that I did the cleaning as I wanted to do it already for some time but I was busy with other things.


Written: 2019 - April - 08   Published: 2019 - April - 11      © Copyright - Greg Wiater