My life is full of love, joy and abundance

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

Today I did not work. I had to take my car to the mechanic and then I also wanted to have break from working with clients. In the next couple of days I have my agenda quite full and thus it was important for me to have this break.

I had slight muscle pains from yesterday's workout so I did no exercises today. But I had a very good meditation with couple of my friends. We do it regularly once a week and all of us notice that there is more strength and stability during the meditation. It also helps us to get motivated with out common project and life in general. Thus I said today that we must maintain this routine no matter what. Sometimes I fall into the thinking that I do not want to do this meditation and I try to find an excuse to do it later but in the end every time we meditate together there is something going on which is very positive for all of us.

What else ?

I am looking at some point related to sexuality. This is the result that I masturbated again yesterday and it got me to think about couple of things. I need to investigate it further.

I had today long conversation with another fried and it is interesting to see how she has changed in the last year. Before she was very sceptical in regards to some points related to life and how I was interpreting them. But now I see that she is more receptive to it as she tested some of these points in her life and she agrees with them. And I know that this acceptance to what I say is possible because she changed and transformed her points. This type of conversation gives me strength and motivates me continue with my plans to make courses and therapies. I see that it helps others to have better life.


Written: 2019 - January - 28   Published: 2019 - February - 16      © Copyright - Greg Wiater