My life is full of love, joy and abundance

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

Surprisingly the trip to the mountains made me lethargic and I was struggling to stay awake when I got back home. So I lied on the sofa and I fell a sleep. Anyway this whole trip was very interesting as I met somebody who probably will be a very important part in my project. As a matter of fact my project is his project and this person has been working on this project longer than I. Or maybe we started at the same time although being apart. We will see where this will take us. And this whole meeting was not a coincidence as to me it was clearly planned by somebody from outside.

Today I did not do exercises as I was away for the whole day. The same with meditation. And now it is late so I will go directly to sleep after this article. Tomorrow I plan to have another day off as in the end there is nobody for the course.

What else ?

I do not know what to write. Ahhh... this is interesting. When driving through the mountains I decided to have my second meal in the afternoon. I was not really that hungry but I wanted to try the food that I really liked in one of the restaurants that is unique to the mountains. The food was really good although - as I said - I was not that hungry and I could have stayed without it for at least another couple of hours. There is probably the reason why I ate rather a small portion and I was feeling full in my stomach. And this sensation became even more notable when I also ate a sweet snack ( also unique to the mountains ) half an hour later.

In any case have this second meal relatively early made me think that I would need to have the 3rd meal in the evening. But this was not the case and I continued to feel full in my stomach all this time. And in the end I did not need to eat more for the day.

WOW... I am so impressed with this whole situation and how my body reacts.

Probably I will stop eating during the day completely and I will only eat in the late afternoon or in the evening when I am hungry. And then soon I will take to the test the option with only having one meal a day.


Written: 2019 - January - 24   Published: 2019 - February - 16      © Copyright - Greg Wiater