Healing my heart

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

I can see that my values ( according to the medical instrument with which I test my body ) are getting more and more stable. As a matter of fact they are very good. Well... the EKG is not optimal but this is why I am doing this experiment. Thus my EKG needs to be improved but the other values are strong and this when the body can start doing its healing process. But then I do not understand why my skin on my back starts to have more red ( acne-like ) spots. I could try to explain that this is the result of something toxic which I ate few days ago ( I suspect that this was the cacao powder ). In this case these red spots are normal healing reaction and I should not freak out but simply be patient and let my body do the cleaning.

But I have also my doubts about the effectiveness of this whole detox and nutritional program. Of course I can see many other benefits from what I am doing but this point with my skin is something very important for me. And now I am somehow "suspended" because I cannot really recommend this program as effective. And if this is the case then my whole project would have to be redirected. And this would be something very disappointing because I have dedicated a lot of time and energy towards and also I have invested relatively a lot of money into it. Of course I mentioned already that I see many benefits in other points within my body and life in general but still I have a lot of hopes and expectations from this project.

Anyway I simply have to wait and observe the situation for another couple of days because then I will see whether this is normal healing reaction or whether this is something else.

To be continued...


Written: 2017 - May - 28   Published: 2017 - August - 27      © Copyright - Greg Wiater