Finding solutions with paper and pen

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

Have you ever got stuck in your life and you did not know what to do ?

Well... I will tell you something important.

You always knew what to do but you did not want to see it !!!

Thus today I met a friend of mine and during the conversation he mentioned that he feels stuck and he does not know what to do. I told him straight away that he does know what to do and although he was opposing me and getting frustrated at times, I insisted that there is a constructive solution to his problem. But he tried to convince me that he tried already everything and the only thing that he can do is to accept this situation and live with it for the rest of his life.

I dealt with this kind of situation in the past and so I knew what I am talking about. Thus I asked him to take a piece of paper and a pen and sit with me at the table. Then I told him to write down at the top his goal of what he would like to achieve in regards to his situation. At first he put something but then I suggested to put in such a way that would fall into the principle of what is best for all. And so he did.

After this I told him to write down in points all that he tried to do so far in regards to finding solution to his troublesome situation and put a mark if it was successful or not. Obviously most of what he did was not working but then there was something, which at some point gave him "peace and happiness" in his life. It was temporary but in the end it was effective.

To be continued


Written: 2016 - June - 13   Published: 2017 - August - 14      © Copyright - Greg Wiater