2 years after the end of the world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in prophecies and then I have waited for their fulfillment; within this is forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that by waiting for the prophecy to come I admit to myself that the prophecy is the ultimate truth and it cannot be changed and through this I disempower myself.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that by accepting and believing the prophecies I allow myself to be influenced and controlled by those who created the prophecy as I am accepting the prophecy as ultimate truth and then I give my power to it.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that by accepting and believing in prophecies I give up on myself as I believe that my fate is already decided and shaped by the prophecy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in prophecies and then I wait for them to happen instead of investigating what can be practically achieved within this reality and then make it happen through my practical actions.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that through believing in catastrophic prophecies I give my power to it and I create real catastrophic events in this world as I accept the fate of the prophecy and then I give up on doing anything to prevent them and/or I do not deal with the current problems and I allow for the accumulative consequences related to these problems which eventually manifest as catastrophic events in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wait for the savior to save me/humanity from the misery instead of investigating how I have co-created the misery in this world and then apply appropriate corrections to stop the creation of it and later create something new which would be best for all so that there is no need for intervention of the savior/god/Jesus/aliens/superman/hero.

When and as I see myself thinking and believing in catastrophic prophecy I stop, I breathe and I investigate whether this prophecy is probable to happen within our reality/world and then I decide whether there is a need for action to prevent the events described in prophecy and I act accordingly.

When and as I see myself believing in and wishing for a beautiful prophecy ( e.g. golden new age ) to come true I stop, I breathe and I investigate whether it is possible to manifest this prophecy in this reality/world and I then decide on a practical plan of action to manifest this prophecy in this reality and I act accordingly.


Written: 2014 - December - 24   Published: 2014 - December - 25      © Copyright 2014 - Greg Wiater