Regretting to have big company

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

There is one more thing which I would like to point out here within these articles about regretting to have a big business.

If my friend decided to make the change today and simply run the small one person business like he used to do before then we would have over 100 people left without work and then all of the suppliers and other businesses which cooperate with the business of my friend would also be affected. Altogether the decision of my friend would affect negatively the whole economy.

And this is the whole point...

At the moment our economic system and the people within it, is so set up that it wants to make as much profit as possible. Just for the sake of making more and more money. Look at the mega rich people. They have more than enough money to live for the rest of their life in luxuries but yet they don't stop and they continue to work and invest because they want to have more and more.

But this obsession with making more money puts a lot of stress and causes a lot of damage in the environment. And not only this... because it also makes people sick and many die as a result of it - directly and indirectly.

But all of these negative consequences would change very quickly if people started to do what they really want to do and what gives them joy of self-expression and creativity.

For example the decision of my friend to close his 100 person business would hurt the economy in general but it would give more joy to my friend and it would also in some way lessen the stress on the environment. And if more people ( businessmen ) followed in the same fashion then the stress on the environment would got reduced dramatically and the body of earth would start to recuperate and heal itself relatively quickly.

One more question...

What would happen then with all these 100 people who would lose their job as a result of the decision of my friend ?

Well... they would have to find a different way survive and the best would be if they also started to use their creativity and do things in joy rather than do things just because they also want to make profit or just because they have to survive somehow and within this they use this argument to justify their actions and doings which damage the environment and hurt other beings - animals, plants, other people etc.

You'll see... this world would be completely different if all of us stopped this crazy desire to make as much money as possible and instead we would find new ways of working in joy and being creative in it. We need money to survive in the current system. But having a lot of money will never give you joy if you do not express yourself in joy and in creativity and the same time it will cause damage and suffering to yourself and others.



Written: 2014 - May - 05   Published: 2014 - May - 25      © Copyright 2014 - Greg Wiater