Wanting to be better than my father

I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.

I remember that when I lived with my father sometimes I was having heated-up discussions and conflicts with him. During these discussions he was telling me in anger that my theories and philosophies about life will get me nowhere and that I will never achieve anything in life. And then eventually I was getting also pissed off with him and I was telling myself that I will show him and prove that I can achieve more than him. This "achieve more than my father" was supposed to be reflected in having more money than him. This kind of heated-up discussions has repeated itself at least few more times with pretty much the same scenario. But let's leave it here and let's go to the next memory...

At some point of life I had enough of this discussions etc. and I decided to move out of the house of my parents and live in another country. And here I have memories of situations when I was calculating how much money I earn and if that is more than what my fathers earns. You know... in reality these calculations were "not faire" because I lived in the country with stronger currency and thus this could not be compared but yet it shows that I was trying to prove all the time that I am better than my father.

It is late now and I am very tired because I have been working a lot today. Thus I will leave it here for today and I will continue tomorrow.

To be continued...



Written: 2014 - March - 09   Published: 2014 - April - 04      © Copyright 2014 - Greg Wiater