Obsessive desire to prove that positive thinking works

I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.

Now... here is another point which is very important within the assessment and analysis of the positive thinking and the law of attraction based on the experiences of my friend.

What I have noticed was that the negative experiences of my friends were assisted by the victim syndrome meaning that my friend was feeling victim to all that is happening to him.

How does it relate to our case study about the law of attraction?

Feeling a victim indicates that the person does not want to take responsibility for what is happening to him and then he doesn't want to look at and investigate the possible causes of it all which could lead to a conclusion that all that is happening to him was the result of his positive thinking and the positive energy which he was creating. And this is what I have seen with my friend. First of all he was rejecting completely my suggestions to look at the law of the opposites where focusing and creating the positive automatically creates the negative and secondly within the negative experiences he did not look at how to resolve them practically but instead he was getting emotional ( angry, pissed off etc. ). You know... some of the problems which he was facing were kind of easy to fix but he did not want to accept help of mine and it end it up that he was getting emotional.

What does it say about it ?

Well... getting emotional indicates that he was possessed by the energy of positive and negative; that he was entrapped by it and he did not see it.

And this was also seen in his personal life with his family. You know... on one hand he was talking about the positive energy of love and acceptance but then I could see him quite often shouting and getting angry with his children. I have seen this kind of behavior of the "positive people" and those who were practicing the law of attraction on multitude of occasions. They talk about the infinite love and beautiful world but then on other occasions they were extremely angry and violent and on top of it they justify it that it is ok; that this is fault of somebody else etc. According to my knowledge and experience it is the result of suppressing the negativity within them. But at some it so much of it that they cannot suppress it anymore and then they must release it by explosion of anger ( like a volcano ). In reality this is a "negative" experience but admitting it would mean that the whole definition of self as a positive person would fall apart and thus to maintain the illusion of being "real positive person" these people justify it as being right or trying to blame others who apparently are stupid and simply piss them off.

As I said before I have seen it on multitude of occasions until I came to the conclusion to be really careful when dealing with "positive thinking people" because they are walking volcano which may explode in any moment and of course you could be guilty of it all ( not them ).

To be continued...



Written: 2014 - March - 07   Published: 2014 - April - 04      © Copyright 2014 - Greg Wiater