Madness about taking medicine and pills to fix the problems

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

First of all I want say that there is nothing wrong with taking pills, medicine and any other form of vitamins and supplements but this medicine but this only applies if your medicine is specifically chosen for you and for your body. Because otherwise you are either overdosing or under dosing or taking wrong medicine, which eventually will lead to more problems and on top of it there is another problem related with side effects. And we can read about the side effects ( if we want only want to ) because it is all written in the medical books and in internet. And these side effects are quite often really scary thus I ask myself why we take the pills so easy without checking up what kind of harm it can cause within our bodies. You'll see... I have seen and spoken with many people who regret taking the medicine because the consequences of side effects from taking the medicine are much worse than the initial sickness. Thus I recommend you to be very careful what you are taking and putting into your body.

Another thing that you should also remember is that sickness is usually not a result of just one thing like virus or bacteria. Usually the sickness has a multidimensional design or we could say that it is a manifestation of many elements - physical, non-physical, emotional, psychological, energetic, genetic etc. And thus the pill/medicine may be necessary to support you physical body but if the problem lies also in the emotional sphere and you do not correct it then you are going to get better only temporarily and eventually you will get sick again. This is logical... isn't it ? Thus you must investigate all of the elements and correct them or otherwise you will never get well.

Now... I know from experience that it is very difficult to read and find out about the side effects and also it is difficult to know which medicine is good for you and your body - especially when you are not a doctor. But I have learned during my studies of natural medicine and kinesiology in the college that it is possible to do a very simple test, which helps to determine if a certain medicine is good for me and secondly it helps to determine the dose and the frequency of taking the remedy. I have been using this technique for many years and it is very effective. And thus I recommend that you learn about it to and test it for yourself.

If you are interested in knowing more about it and how it works then I suggest that you take a course in kinesiology. Otherwise just go to Youtube and try to search for videos with the title "self muscle testing".



Published: 2014 - February - 13      © Copyright 2013 - Greg Wiater