Responsible posting on Facebook

Facebook and other social have become a big part of our lives these days. And according to the statistics Americans spend on average over 3 hours per day on staying up-to-date on emails, social media and other means of online communication.


Now... this is the average figure and knowing that the older people are not so much into the latest techno gadgets thus it is easy to say that younger generation is spending well over the 3 hours a day being online. And this is very rapidly growing trend in our society and for sure there will be more and more people joining it in the future.

Here is one important point which caught my attention while participating online on Facebook. Couple of times I have shared posts of other people and sometime later I have realised that the initial post was not real. What I mean here is that it was a joke of somebody or it was a photo edited on Photoshop but yet myself and other people have taken it for granted as real without investigating and checking up the reality of it. For example look here at this photo. Responsible posting on Facebook Responsible posting on Facebook It has been created in the Photoshop but yet once you look at the comments on Facebook you will realise that many people take it as real and get really angry believing that the government is really making this type of mini robots to pollinate the plants instead of doing something to protect the bees and other insects.

And you'll see... people take for real this story, then make some connections in their mind with other conspiracy theories and talk to others about it. And later we have total fuck up and problem because we are getting lost with what is real and what is an illusion.

Thus you'll see... we should be really careful what we post on social media. And before we repost something then we should make sure that we cross reference the information and check whether it is true. If we are not sure that something is true then it is better not to share it on Facebook or other social media because in this way we are creating a network of misconception and miscommunication. Yes... because later somebody else will also repost it and then his/her friend does the same and then we have the whole pyramid and we are directly responsible for all the consequences which stem from it. And these consequences spread and affect literally the world because as we know Facebook and other social media have not borders ( with some small exemptions ).



Published: 2013 - January - 11      © Copyright 2013 - Greg Wiater