Desteni Group and my family

Your family members are just like any other persons in this world. Usually they are not "awake" and at the same time they may not be happy that you are starting to awake from the illusion of the mind. The reason why they may not be happy that you are participating with the Desteni Group ( although in the end it is not about the Desteni but rather that you start to open your eyes ) is that you are becoming a threat to their illusion which they believe that is real. And thus usually they will try to stop you from participating with Desteni. Because you are close with them and they "love you", they will try to talk to you out of Desteni in a nice way but once this is not effective they will try to use more persuasive methods like anger, emotional manipulation, screaming, shouting, abusive words and anything which they believe would save you from being possessed and lost within the "sect".

Yeah... sect and cult are very popular words among those who try to talk you out of it.

Thus how to deal with this situation effectively ?

I have learned very important thing from my experiences. It doesn't matter who it is - mother, brother, wife, husband, boy-/girlfriend, children, friends, colleagues, neighbours, strangers on the street or anybody - I must stand as a principle of what is best for all in every moment and don't compromise it just because somebody is my friend of family member. And thus if you know what to do then you assist your family to open their eyes and awake from the illusion of their mind. But if they are not ready and they resist with anger and aggression then don't hesitate to cut them off from your life like the online abusers.

As I said above this also includes your partner that you love. I know that this may be a very difficult for you to do but if you compromise the principle of what is best for all and you don't direct the situation in a best possible way because you want to keep your partner with you, you are taking a big risk and it is very probably that it will bite you and it will be very painful for you.

Remember... Do not hope that your partner will change and open his/her eyes. Do not hope that the love which you "feel" for you partner will somehow and magically make everything work out all the problems. Instead it is better that you take full responsibility for the whole situation and direct it in a way which is best for all. And thus do not hesitate to cut your partner ( or any person from your family or friends ) out of your life if you see that he/she is becoming abusive and dangerous for you. This is his/her way to resist the change which you vibrate and reflect unto your partner and thus do not allow the abuse. There is no need for it. And thus do everything possible to prevent it.

If your partner doesn't want to change and wants to continue as mind consciousness system, this "great love" which brought you together is not going to save this relationship. There is going to be more and more problems and conflicts which may turn dangerous for you. It is a fact. If you see that your partner does not "work" together with you effectively in the relationship on solving the problems and s/he does not communicate effectively with you partner then your hope and your love will not prevent conflicts and it will turn into hate. And direct the situation according to the principle of what is best for all.

And remember that cutting somebody ( including your partner ) out of your life is not an act of egoism at all. You are just doing what is best for all in the moment. I know it from experience that this is a very effective tool because then people start to think about things, they start to ask questions and learn from. I have done it and I have seen it being effective tool. And in the end it is the shortcut towards the ultimate change.

Remember also this one... You cut your partner out of your life ( if necessary ) but yet at the same time you are stable within yourself and you are available and present to assist him/her whenever you see that s/he is ready. And actually this is how you show practically your love. Yeah... you prove your love by acting according to the principle of what is best for all. But if you stay in the relationship and you COMPROMISE the principle of what is best for all hoping that "your love" that brought you together will make things work, you will lose your stability. You will enter into the never ending conflicts, misinterpretations, fights etc. and eventually it will bite you painfully. And within this you will prolong the whole process not only for yourself but also for your partner and you will be responsible for it.

Thus keep your ground steady. Stick to the principle of what is best for all. Do not compromise it. It does not matter who it is - wife, friend, mother etc. In the end this other being is asleep and s/he is entrapped and controlled by the ego and the mind, which will bite and take revenge on you whenever possible because you have woken up and decided to challenge the dominance of the ego.

Ahhh... be prepared that you will also be called egoist. But look at it closely... you are standing as a principle of what is best for all... you are acting to bring equality and oneness so that everybody has respectful and abundant life... you are standing up for every single human being in this world, animals, plants and insects but yet you are being called an egoist. Isn't it ridiculous ?!



Published: 2014 - January - 07      © Copyright 2013 - Greg Wiater