Desteni Group and my family

I know that somewhere I have already written about this topic in the past but I have decided to write today about this topic again ( and with some new things and realisations ) because I see that this is a very common problem among those who start their work with Desteni Group and then they have to face strong disapprobation, reproach, ostracism etc. from their family, friends etc.

Now... Desteni Group is standing for and promoting the principle of oneness, equality and of what is best for all. And thus here raises a question why would somebody reproach and ostracise a person who is standing as and for these values ? The answer is simple... it is because that somebody is not standing as these values and all of it is a threat to her/his ego which stands as what is best for me. And thus out of fear for the survival of the ego the person will disapprove and even literally attack somebody who stands up as what is best for all.

Now... when we are facing somebody who is stranger to us ( usually via internet - Facebook, Youtube and other social media ) then we can expect to be abused with words, being called egoists just to let us know that we are inferior and that all that we are doing is useless and utopia. And in this case when the abuser is not ready to find a constructive solution and instead continues with more abuse then it is easy block this person and cut the communication.

But when it comes to friends, colleagues and especially the family members the situation seems to be much more difficult because here we have family bonds, responsibilities ( e.g. children ), dependencies ( e.g. financial ), feelings etc. As I say because of all of these elements the situation seems to be more difficult but in the end it should not be different than the situation with "online abusers".

To be continued...



Published: 2014 - January - 05      © Copyright 2013 - Greg Wiater