Does suffering really makes us stronger ?

I am catching up with posting online my articles.

I have heard many times people saying that although their experience was painful and they have suffered a lot because of it, they have learned a lot from it and it has made them stronger and better person.

Well... maybe it did help you to open your eyes and realize few things in your life but this is not always the case. I would say that at the currently there are more people who don't learn anything from it and actually they decide to become bitter, greedy, egoistic and even to make others suffer as a revenge or because they believe that this is the only way to teach others.

But this is not all. Maybe you think that you are stronger and better person ( after painful and hurtful experience ) but actually if you have not taken responsibility for your experience and you have not realized that it was you who has created and manifested it then you are still missing the main point. Believe that the suffering has made you stronger and better person is actually an indication of separation because people have simply learned how to take on more suffering believing that it doesn't affect them. But in the end it is a separation and quite often suppression.

Another important point... at the moment there is a lot of suffering on earth and this observation could make us believe that this is the best or even predetermined ( by god or universe ) and effective way of learning for humanity. But still I'd say that learning through suffering is not necessary at all. Suffering has not been imposed by god or universe so that humanity can learn. It is actually us who decide to suffer because we are stupid, we don't learn from the mistakes of the past and we don't use common sense and logic etc.

Yes... it is us all the time who make the choice to suffer. Even simple and normal act like taking the painkiller or other medicine is a decision and choice to suffer because if you use this medicine to suppress the symptoms ( pain ) without looking at and investigating the real cause behind this simple headache or any other pain, then you are allowing this problem to continue and sooner or later you will pay for it because it will manifest itself as serious sickness or disorder within your body which will give you more pain and suffering. And it was your choice right from the beginning. Just you don't want to admit it and you play the role of "innocent victim".

Thus don't say ever again that the suffering has made you stronger and better person unless you have taken responsibility and you have realized that it was you who has created and manifested it in your life and then you have corrected it in you and as you.



Published: 2013 - December - 29      © Copyright 2013 - Greg Wiater