Why do we allow deformed children to be born and live ?

Catching up with posting online my articles

I was doing the shopping in the grocery shop and I have seen there a young girl on the wheelchair. Her body was extremely deformed and she was completely immobile. And it was obvious that this girl was born like this.

And here is my question:

"Why do we allow this kind of people to continue to live ?"

Now... I am not coming from the point of discriminating these people whatsoever. The only concern for me is that we are forcefully imprisoning these people for the whole life in this body instead of letting them go and allow them to be reborn in different and normal body. Of course this means that we must be considering that reincarnation is real. Anyway this is not the topic of this article because I want to look at the point why the parents and the doctors are allowing a child with this kind of body to be born.

One of the reasons for it is the law of god and the religion. I remember a conversation about it in one of my classes of religion and we were told that we should let that person to live because this is the will of god. But is it really the will of god ? H(how)TF( you now the rest of the abbreviation )... thus HTF the almighty god allows such an imperfect body to be born ? I remember that we were told in one of the first classes of the religion that our god is omnipotent and that everything that he does is perfect... Is this really perfect ???

Another reason is that there are many women in this world who are literally obsessed and possessed with the idea of having a baby. It is clear to me now that this is the result and the consequence of the brainwashing and manipulation of the population. And of course the religion plays also part in it. Anyway this mother is so obsessed with this idea of having a baby that she is completely blind and not willing to use the logic and common sense and take into consideration the fact that she is actually allowing the abuse by - as I said before - forcing this being to be imprisoned into this imperfect body.

And of course apart from the laws of god we have also human laws which consider letting this being go back into the spirit as a murder which carries with it penalties in the form of imprisoning the mother or father.

Now... this is important... I am not encouraging anybody to commit murder. I am encouraging to consider what is the best for this child. And letting any child to be born deformed and chained for life to the wheelchair and be always dependent on others to do anything ( even going to the toilet ) doesn't look like the best choice.

Another point... this problem with deformed babies would be very easy to prevent if we had a good system of education about responsible parenthood and if we used our doctors and scientists to do the adequate tests whether somebody is capable of giving birth to a baby with strong and healthy body. I know that not everything would be preventable but for sure we would be able to reduce the amount of defective babies.

Last two question...

What are we going to do with all the deformed babies as a result of radiation from Fukushima in Japan and the radiation from the depleted uranium in the bombs of US military, which are being used in Libya, Iraq etc. ?

Are we going to apply the god's law, the human's law or the common sense ?



Published: 2013 - September - 07      © Copyright 2012 - Greg Wiater