relationship for money

If you have read my previous articles about relationships for money you should have started to understand by now that there is no sense in trying to find out who is supposed to be blamed for it, who is more guilty etc. It is the matter of realising that we ( as humanity ) have created a system which allows and forces people to make this type of decisions. And thus it is crucial to stop denying it and take responsibility for it because otherwise we will never be able to make any change.

Now... This is what we need to work on at the moment to get people to understand this simple - yet very difficult to comprehend for many - fact. I don't have exact statistics about it but I can see and hear it for myself when listening to people's conversations, jokes etc. It is obvious that there prevails a belief that women are more guilty than men when making decisions about relationships based on money. But why should we be surprised about it ? Firstly we are teaching and brainwashing the girls already in their young age that women are supposed take care of children, clean the house, cook etc. This is changing recently though the fact is that we have been doing this for centuries and even thousands of years if not even more and this belief is deeply engraved in the DNA structure of all women. And it will take some few generations before this gets completely cleaned out. Secondly women are still being faced with sexism when it comes to job positions and possibilities for earning money and this is also happening in the so-called civilized and developed countries like USA and European countries.

And so... this 2 factors contribute to the fact that there are more women than men who make decisions about relationships based on money, which as a consequence makes us to believe that they are more guilty than men. But in reality this belief doesn't have any reason to exist because if men were in a similar situation they would do exactly the same.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that women are more guilty than men for making decisions about relationships based on money.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that there are more women in the world making decisions about relationships based on money because they have less possibilities to earn money themselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belief that women are supposed to take care of children, clean the house and cook food.

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that I am responsible for the fact that there are more women than men making decisions about relationships based on money because I have allowed existence of the system which lacks money and creates fear of survival.

I commit myself to create a system in which everybody has equal access to abundance, nobody has to fear of their survival in this world and nobody needs to make decisions about their relationship / agreement based on the amount of money that their potential partner has.

To be continued...


Published: 2012 - Apr - 26      © Copyright 2012 - Greg Wiater